September 2023 - Alan's 43rd Birthday Fundraiser


Because of your generous contributions, we were able to make a $4,000 gift to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia toward our $50k pledge to honor Alan's 43d birthday. Our gift was specifically targeted towards CHOP's cancer Research.


Thank you for celebrating Alan's birthday with us! Your generosity means so much!


*** Update ****

We received a thank you from CHOP that you can read here as well beautiful photos of the garden in Alan's memory at CHOP.

Below please find the note from Samantha Camp from CHOP.


I hope you are doing well! We received your gift today. Thank you so much for your continued support and generosity.

As we previously discussed, I am delighted to share several updates with you.

First, please find photos of the Alan Bell section of the rooftop garden, attached. Despite the dreary weather we had experienced at the end of September, this garden is a vibrant spot for patients and guests to enjoy. As you know, these green spaces are crucial for creativity and respite for patient families in CHOP's care.

To take these photos, I was fortunate to be able to visit Alan's planter bed on a lovely, crisp fall morning. It was truly a peaceful place, which helped me find some stillness in my day. In one photo, you'll see a crane - we are in the midst of building our new patient tower. It is slated to open for patient care 2028 and greatly expand the number of beds we have for patients. I suspect that once done, some rooms will have a lovely view of the rooftop garden. Thank you for celebrating Alan's legacy here at CHOP and for helping provide a beautiful green space for patients and their families to enjoy and recuperate during their CHOP journey.

Second, I've attached a brief update of the Immunotherapy Fund's activities over the past year. I’ve included a few links in the PDF that go directly to the articles and webpage highlighted in the document for more in depth reading. Thank you for your generous contributions that have supported CHOP's forward momentum in the immunotherapy space!

On behalf of all of us at CHOP, thank you for your long-standing support and partnership. Alan's Legacy's commitment to CHOP help make immunotherapy breakthroughs and innovations possible, forging a better future for all pediatric cancer patients.

With gratitude,


Samantha L. Camp
Assistant Director, Foundation Relations
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia